Desulphurisation Systems

The removal of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from biogas and sewage gas by desulphurisation systems serves to protect the environment and improve the operational safety of biogas fuels.

It is equally important to avoid corrosion in parts of the biogas plant. Selected types of activated carbon can remove hydrogen sulphides.

Activated Carbon Adsorbers For Desulphurisation

Activated carbon and iron hydroxide are suitable for the removal of hydrogen sulphide from the biogas. Both have a high capacity for hydrogen sulphide. Hence, they can guarantee a high final purity of the gas.

Celsigas designs adsorbers as continuous systems. A cylindrical container holds the activated carbon. The pelleted activated carbon or iron hydroxide is fed into the cylinder from the top. Operators can remove an appropriate subset of activated carbon through a flap at the bottom. Meanwhile, the gas flows into the lower part of the filter. It flows upward through the cylinder to the outlet.

The pellets on the bottom of the cylinder are responsible for the primary purification of the gas. The carbon (or iron hydroxide) inserted from the top carries out the precision purification. As a result, it becomes possible to control the quality of purification.

Under those circumstances, the activated carbon can be exchanged continuously during operation. Depending on the gas quality the operator must only discharge small quantities of carbon. The workload is therefore low and the consumption of activated carbon remains efficient.

Other Activated Carbon Adsorber Executions

Celsigas also offers fine desulphurisation systems where the activated carbon pellets are stored in retainers. This construction holds two retainers filled with activated carbon. Similarly, operators can replace the activated carbon during operation. It is possible to remove one retainer and fill it with freshly activated carbon pellets, while the other retainer continues the desulphurisation process.

Celsigas Coal Absorber

Celsigas desulphurisation systems

Activated Carbon Pellets

Celsigas also offers a range of activated carbon pellets for applications such as removal of hydrogen sulphide in biogas plants, air purification, water treatment systems and more. Read more…